If you want to grab more boards, here is the best game to improve rebounding skills. Can you guess what schoolyard game it is? (Hint: It has a number in it.) A lot of players often incorrectly believe that rebounding should be the job of the big men. They believe that guards, specifically point guards,…
Author: Nam
How to Use Deliberate Practice for Basketball (And Improve Faster)
You should try deliberate practice for basketball if the regular way of training isn’t helping you improve quickly enough. In the 1960s and 1970s, Bill Bradley -whom you probably have never heard of- was one the best players in college and in the NBA. He won two championship titles with the New York Knicks (in…
The Importance of Basketball Fundamentals (Shaquille O’Neal Edition)
Shaquille O’Neal is one of the great centers. Even post his prime, he was dominating. And he was able to do so because Shaq’s basketball fundamentals are great. I was scrolling through YouTube a couple of days ago and a video of Shaquille O’Neal vs Kobe Bryant was suggested to me. Being a Kobe and…
How To Be A Versatile Basketball Player (And Own Both Ends)
Do you want to be able to do more on the court? Well, the best way to do this is to train and become a versatile basketball player. Here are a few things you can do to improve your skills for both ends of the court. I don’t know what it is about players who…
How To Get Stronger For Basketball With Calisthenics
Here are the best calisthenic or bodyweight exercises for getting stronger for basketball. I was small and skinny in middle school (and sadly in high school as well). I say that it was because of my high metabolism and my being active -to boost my self-esteem- but it didn’t change the fact that I was…
How to Quickly Improve Off-Hand Dribbling Fundamentals
Are your handles weak? Is it because you can only dribble with one hand? Lucky you, here’s how to improve off-hand dribbling in basketball. When I was a kid, first playing basketball, all I could do was dribble with my right hand. It didn’t matter which side of the court I was on (right, left)…
How to Contest Shots in Basketball (Even If You’re Smaller)
Want to contest shots in basketball? Here’s how: get into your opponent’s head and make them think they’re going to get blocked. Here are some drills to improve this skill. In the 90s, Hakeem Olajuwon, Dikembe Mutombo, David Robinson, and Alonzo Mourning (to name a few) were some of the scariest guys on defence. If…
How to Not Freak Out Shooting Contested Shots (Even If You’re Short)
Do you tense up when shooting contested shots? If so, it’s because you’re uncomfortable taking challenged shots. Here’s how to fix it… Shooting contested shots is scary. It really is. And the reason why it’s nerve-racking is that it’s embarrassing to get blocked (and also because someone’s charging at you). But this is all psychological….
Double Your Toughness with Kobe’s Defensive Lines Drill this Off-Season
The Kobe Defensive Lines Drill will help you develop a killer instinct. And with this attitude, many other basketball skills will improve as well. Kobe Bryant was one of those guys who enjoyed pushing himself to his limits. He believed he improved more this way. This is how he went from being a scrawny teen…
How to Jump Rope for Basketball Conditioning (Last Longer in 1 Month)
Do you feel your conditioning sucks, but a lot of workouts are too intimidating? Here’s a solution: try jumping rope for basketball conditioning. Here’s a story of this guy. That’s it. Okay, just kidding! Anyway, this guy loved basketball. He loved playing it with his friends, watching it on TV, and reading about it in…