trampoline workouts

Benefits of Trampoline Workouts for Basketball Players

Basketball is an unforgiving sport for your joints. So why would you want to damage them more doing powerlifting exercises? Instead, you should try doing trampoline workouts.

When you were a kid, I’m sure you loved jumping on trampolines.

Heck, I’m sure as an adult you still love to jump on the trampoline. It is fun and exciting because you can bounce around and do crazy tricks on it.

But did you know that you can also use it as a device for doing complete, full-body workouts?

You’re probably thinking right now that trampolines (or rebounders) are only good for cardio because all you do on it is jump and bounce around. But if you get a little creative, the trampoline can provide you with a great workout.

Also, it’s a tool that can develop longevity as it strengthens your muscles while having low impact on your joints.

How Can Trampoline Workouts Benefit Basketball Players?

Trampoline workouts benefit basketball players in many ways.

The main thing is that jumping on trampolines (with good form) doesn’t harm your joints, which you do on a constant basis when you are playing basketball.

Bouncing on trampolines are known to be low impact, which according to WiseGeek, is:

“Low impact exercise refers to cardiovascular exercise that will not overly stress the legs, knees, and feet, or that has a reduced impact on the legs, knees, and feet.”

So when you are bouncing on trampolines, not a lot of force travels from your feet up to your knees and lower back because the springs from the trampoline absorb much of the force.

This is really good for your joint health because it won’t receive a lot of wear and tear when you work out. Also, this will help prevent injury.

The second thing is that all trampoline exercises require you to use your core and small muscles.

Because of this, you will develop good balance and stability that will benefit you as you attack the basket. take heavily contested shots, or catch and shoot after a cut.

What Kind of Workouts Can I Do With a Trampoline?

Okay, you’re interested in these workouts, but you don’t know where to start.

Don’t worry, I got you covered. Here’s a 30-minute workout that you can do in conjunction with the Steve Nash basketball workout.

Check it out and give it a try:

Look, trampolines are fun. And they are also great workout tools.

But not everyone will like trampoline workouts or find them beneficial.

However, if you don’t at least try or open your mind to it, you won’t know if they are good for you or not.

So why not experiment with them and have fun while conditioning yourself for the upcoming basketball season?

3 Things to Look for When Buying a Rebounder Trampoline:

But before you order a new rebounding trampoline, here are 3 things you should consider when making your selection, according to

1) Make sure the trampoline has quality springs

The author of the article says that you should buy a trampoline with tapered steel springs instead of one with bungee cords.

The reason is that the steel springs are more durable and have more support, which will last longer and prevent you from getting injured, respectively.

2) Make sure the mat has a quality material

The quality of the mat is important because if you select one that is bad, it will stretch over time and this can lead to injury.

Additionally, if it stretches, then that means that the material isn’t durable and will get damaged more easily through wear and tear or if it is left outside.

The author suggests that you should look for trampolines that don’t use canvas, nylon, or plastic mats.

3) Look for trampolines with strong bases

The base of the trampoline holds the entire unit together, so if you select one that is weak, you’re at risk of it breaking down and injuring you.

The author suggests that you pick one with a steel base and one that has snap-in legs.

The reason being is that the alternative, which has screw-in legs, is more likely to wear down over time and come loose.

Also, they are more unstable than snap-in legs.

So, these are just some of the things to look for when buying a rebounder trampoline.

For more information, you can read the original buying guide here:

If you’re interested in getting into trampoline workouts, click here to buy one from Amazon. And to be transparent with you, this is an affiliate link. What this means is that if you use it to buy something from Amazon, I will get a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

Final Thoughts

Trampolines are great for both fun and physical conditioning.

So, if you’re looking for a different type of basketball workout, give trampoline workouts a try.

1 thought on “Benefits of Trampoline Workouts for Basketball Players”

  1. Taylor Ronald

    Be sure to do different types of moves on your trampoline so you don’t overuse the same muscles each time you work out.

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